Cash Crops

Aphid Insect

Aphid Insect

Betel nut is one of the main cash crops of Bangladesh. By modern method of betel cultivation one can earn about 2/3 lakh rupees per year from 1 bigha of land. But the farmers face a lot of losses every year due to various diseases. One of the most damaging insects in betel nut is the jab beetle. Below are the introductions, types of damage, and control management of the betel leaf beetle:

Insect Introduction:

Small in size, black/green/purple in colour. There are two narrow ducts on either side of the abdomen at the back. Adults sometimes have a pair of fins. Located under the leaves. 

The presence of ants indicates the presence of jab beetles. Ants and beetles are mutualistic. Jab beetles usually provide ants with sugar-rich honey, and ants protect jab beetles from a variety of natural enemies.

Damage Type:

The young leaves and tips of the tree suck the sap and weaken the tree. If the insect infestation is high, the shooty mold fungus will attack and the plant will die.


  • Infected leaves and stems should be collected and destroyed along with the insects. Insects are soft and small and can be crushed by hand. 
  • Parasitic insects such as lady bird beetles can be reared.
  • Inspect adjacent land. Ask the farmer to take action if you see insect infestation.

Chemical suppression:

Mix well 0.5 g "Abbastar 3 WDG" per liter of water and spray.

Solution of Aphid Insect