Grain/Cereal Crops

Brown Planthopper

Brown Planthopper

Brown Planthopper ( Nilaparvata lugens ) is a serious pest of rice plants . It is also known as current beetle, hazari beetle or humming beetle depending on the region. Their skin color is brown or dark brown. They feed by sucking the sap from the base of the tree. They don't like light and air, they prefer moist and shady places. Frequent planting of trees, use of excess nitrogen fertilizers in the land, presence of weeds in the land and standing water increase the attack of this insect.


Adult Brown Planthoppers can lay 8-16 eggs in clusters on leaf sheaths or midribs. The larvae are yellow in color and look like banana tears. It takes 7-9 days for the eggs to hatch. It takes 13-15 days to become an adult insect. They live for about 3 weeks and can produce thousands of larvae in 2-3 months.

Type of damage:

  • Both young and adult, this insect sits at the base of the tree and sucks the sap. As a result, the tree becomes dull
  • As a result, the leaves first turn yellow and then dry up and die
  • If the attack is high, it looks like lightning from a distance. This is called hopper burn
  • In case of hopper burn, no yield is obtained from the crop, so proper measures should be taken to control the current insect at the beginning.

Suppression Management:

  • Seedlings should be planted at proper distance. Weeds should be killed and the land should be fertilized with nitrogen fertilizer in proper amount. 
  • Using light traps in the field gives good results.
  • The affected land should be drained and dried for 5-6 days.

Chemical way:

The affected land should be drained and dried for 5-6 days. Then spray with "Thiefram 20 WDG" at the rate of 0.5 grams per liter of water or 100 grams per acre.

Solution of Brown Planthopper