Cash Crops

Jute Hairy Caterpillar

Jute Hairy Caterpillar

Jute is one of the main cash crops of Bangladesh. Bangladesh is second in jute production in the world but first in export. 33 percent of the world's total jute is produced in this country and 90 percent of raw jute is exported. That is why Bangladesh is called the country of golden fibers. However, the jute farmers of this country face problems in getting the desired yield every year due to various pests. Bed bugs are one of the most important of these pests. Below is a detailed discussion on the bed bugs of jute. 

Description of insects 

Scientific Name: Spilosoma obliqua 
Adult moths are brown, orange or yellow in color. Dark brown or black patches are seen on their wings. Full-grown insects do not cause much damage to the crop. The larval and pupal stages of the insect cause two major damage to crops. They stay underground in the nymph stage and burrow out as adults.

Type of damage

May to August attacks are more common. The adult female moth lays eggs in clusters on the underside of leaves. Egg color is initially green but gradually turns brown to black. After the eggs hatch, the larvae hatch and start eating the green part of the leaves. Insects live under the leaves. First seen in 2-3 leaves. Within a few days, the insects spread throughout the field. After eating the leaves, they start eating the tops of the trees. Thus they destroy the entire crop field. 


  • Keeping crop land free from weeds.
  • Drainage from affected land to prevent it from flowing to other land.
  • Using light traps. 
  • Insect eggs, larvae, pupae are collected and crushed to death.
  • In case of insect attack, spray "(Tamprid 25WDG or Thiefram 20 WDG)" 1 gm per liter of water for 5 decimal of land

Solution of Jute Hairy Caterpillar