Grain/Cereal Crops
Rice Sheath Blight

Rice sheath blight- (Rice sheath blight) is one of the main and well-known diseases that can cause up to 50% damage to crops depending on the severity of attack. It is caused by the fungus Rhizoctonia solani . This disease spreads more during Aush and Aman seasons. Seeds, soil and abandoned stubble contain the fungus, from which it invades the new crop. 28-32 degree centigrade temperature, more than 85% humidity and use of excess nitrogen fertilizers spread the disease more. The fungus of this disease can remain in the soil for several years. Infects when it comes in contact with new leaves.
- 1-3 cm long watery spots on the bark of paddy plants are first green then gray in oval shape just above the water level.
- The center of the spots is gray or white. Infested leaves turn brown at the edges.
- Its spread starts from the bud level. Once the infestation is out, the entire leaf or stem is scorched.
- Fungal free seeds should be used
- The amount of nitrogen fertilizer should be applied to the land.
- Seedlings cannot be planted too densely. Weeds must be eradicated.
- Any diseased plant should be removed immediately.
- If the disease occurs, the land should be irrigated again after 7-10 days.
- Cultivation of disease resistant varieties like BR-10, 22, 23 & BRRI Dhan-29, 32, 39, 42 gives good yield.
Chemical suppression:
Mix 10 ml of “Blastguard 28 SC" per 10 liter of water and spray on 5 decimal land.